Soul Eater Roleplay
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Administrator Rules

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Administrator Rules Empty Administrator Rules

Post by DarkWolfKillZ Fri 09 Aug 2013, 6:10 pm

These are the rules strictly for the Administrators. These rules are not required for the Founder; gtc331. 

-Any updates for this website must be granted permission by gtc331

-You may not discipline one due to personal reasons

-You may not ignore an act of violation of the rules due to personal reasons

-Any changes, additions, or subtractions of a region that is not your responsibility must be granted permission by the rightful overseer of that particular region

-Just because you have obtained the status of Administrator does not mean you are allowed to take part in any violation of this sites rules, though you have a few exceptions

-In order to have a member of this site suspended, banned, or deleted, a discussion between all of the Administrators must commence. From there the Administrators must decide on their actions for that member


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Join date : 2013-07-18
Location : Death City

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