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betrayal by blood

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betrayal by blood  Empty betrayal by blood

Post by bleach4ever50 Sun 13 Apr 2014, 6:04 pm

Last thing that dakr remembered was seeing his own heart in his sister's hands. Why had she done this to him he thought. The words she echoed in his dying breath. Where ones he once said himself meaning of protecting her. Yet she used them to try and kill him. That mistake won't be made again as he now drew his first breath of undead life. Rage split though him as he screamed in a unearthly misery. Reeking of death he had no doubt been dead for some time now. It seems that his body didn't age at all though how odd. He made a note to look into it later after he got his revenge. But first he need out of his coffin he lay in. Did he just hear a screaming outside of his coffin odd that someone would be at his grave. Hello can anyone hear me out there I'm trapped in a coffin? It would be nice to get out of it please. " Finally he got a bit of luck I mean someone else in the cemetery the day he awakes.

This is not right that grave has been untouched by the looks of it. Yet she could have sworn she heard a scream from underneath it. As she walked closer to it she was positive it hasn't been touched in years and it looked as if it been her a while. Resting at the grave she thought she heard a scream out of it was unsettling to be near. Upon sitting near the grave she felt a faint demonic energy from within it. Letting out a small squeal of fright from the unexpected energy. Then from under her she heard the same voiced that had screamed a while ago asking to by dug up from the grave. How was this possible that grave has not been touch in quite some time. But there is no doubt someone or something is in it as of now. She must know more as why it was there before she let it out of its prison. " Why are you in a grave and with demon energy at that? I won't let you out until I know why you where imprisoned. "

It seems his luck was never without a price to match. But at least she asked something he could answer honestly. Not liking it at all but in his current state of living he was as she said imprisoned. So he had no choice but to tell her honestly how he had gotten here. He just don't have to tell here everything now did he. Just enough to get himself freedom of this box of his. " It began with my sister that's a witch who wanted me dead. In one our fights I blinded her right eye and stole her left one as my own. No doubt by now she has new eye to see with. My sister is also a demon slayer and necromancer. While she uses the body of the fallen demon to heal herself and get new powers. It makes her weaker as she now has their weakness as well as her own. That's how I blinded and stole her left eye in the first place. But in the end she ripped out my heart and thought she had killed me. Now as you can feel I am undead otherwise you wouldn't have known about the energy from my eye now would you. Also if you plan one freeing me you should do so quickly as my sister will soon know that am alive. "

Last edited by bleach4ever50 on Mon 14 Apr 2014, 2:48 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Adding more to rp off of. Changing talk text collor)

Posts : 251
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Join date : 2013-10-21
Age : 1020
Location : kansas

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betrayal by blood  Left_bar_bleue0/0betrayal by blood  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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betrayal by blood  Empty Re: betrayal by blood

Post by PhoenixEye9 Tue 15 Apr 2014, 10:07 pm

"Well," Veyas spoke as he came out of his wolfic form, "who are you talking to over there miss? You're either crazy, talking to yourself thinking it's to the dead, or we have a new zombie in town." His red eyes piercing into through the nights darkness.

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Join date : 2014-01-20
Age : 24

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betrayal by blood  Left_bar_bleue0/0betrayal by blood  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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betrayal by blood  Empty Re: betrayal by blood

Post by bleach4ever50 Wed 16 Apr 2014, 2:50 pm

Well it good to see the Veyas at least he won't her in any way. " Can you help me get him out of his grave I don't have strength to dig him up even with me demonic power. But maybe my speed can make up for it lets just hope is not lying to me. You seem to be right about he is undead no doubt but his energy not that of a zombie. He is something else ... I just don't know what as of yet he is. " Turning her right forearm into her blade Eshpartarata started slicing the ground quickly. Waiting on veyas for his reply on helping her; she was in a hurry wondering if that story about his sister was true. Hoping against all odds is wasn't because having evil witch with demonic power would be very bad for us. What makes it worse is that if she really is a demon slayer with powerful enough necromancy to merge with their fallen body's is that her power is probably equal to a death scythe.

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Join date : 2013-10-21
Age : 1020
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betrayal by blood  Left_bar_bleue0/0betrayal by blood  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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betrayal by blood  Empty Re: betrayal by blood

Post by PhoenixEye9 Wed 16 Apr 2014, 11:51 pm

Not even answering but remaining silent, Veyas transforms into his wolf form, and begins digging at the grave site. "Son of a bitch, that's definitely the smell of a dead man," he thought to himself

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Join date : 2014-01-20
Age : 24

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betrayal by blood  Left_bar_bleue0/0betrayal by blood  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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betrayal by blood  Empty Re: betrayal by blood

Post by bleach4ever50 Sun 20 Apr 2014, 11:32 pm

OOC: sorry for the long wait I been a bit busy for a while.

It seems like her first opinion of Veyas was wrong. But at least he was seemed happy today. She found his two ways of thinking helpful at times and others not so much. This was a time she didn't know which would be better. " Please be careful Veyas I can feel his power and he not weak. You're a friend of both me and my daughter's and I don't want to see you hurt. " Turn to smile at him in his wolf form.
The smell inside his coffin is putrid and veil. It stunck almost bad enough he could taste it. " Sorry if I seem rude but my coffin stinks rather bad. Not to say my sister should and no doubt, now be on her way to us most likely to kill me. You may want my help in fighting her. You will see why when she gets here. " Closing his eyes he focused his energy into his eye as reopen then. It seems that there was a lycan and a half-demon at his rescue. There energy where no where near weak hopefully keeping his sister at bay. Maybe there would be no deadly fight after all.

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Join date : 2013-10-21
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betrayal by blood  Left_bar_bleue0/0betrayal by blood  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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betrayal by blood  Empty Re: betrayal by blood

Post by PhoenixEye9 Fri 20 Jun 2014, 12:01 am

OOC:... I'm really sorry I never saw your post...

"Someone worries about me, ain't this a great surprise" Veyas thought to himself, as he continued digging. He finally hit the coffin so he changed back to a human. Moving the dirt and everything away, the coffin was ready to be opened. "You ready?" He asked just in case,

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Join date : 2014-01-20
Age : 24

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betrayal by blood  Left_bar_bleue0/0betrayal by blood  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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betrayal by blood  Empty Re: betrayal by blood

Post by bleach4ever50 Thu 17 Jul 2014, 1:43 pm

Hearing the coffin being hit he knew that one of two people above him had dug their way down to him. " I have been waiting for a few days to escape my own grave. But I assume you where talking to the half breed demon next to you? " " That would be a yes to the both of you if I am assuming the same as the undead we are saving. " His blood starting pulse as it always did when Gorgon was near him the voice of his insanity started to creep into his mind. Whispering in his head promises of power and revenge for his death. " You know those people out there don't know what they are getting into. But you and I know all to well that her power is equivalent to a death scythe. If you just let me in we could be the same as her or even greater. Isn't revenge what you wanted for her seeing how she made this grave of yours for you? "

Posts : 251
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Join date : 2013-10-21
Age : 1020
Location : kansas

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betrayal by blood  Left_bar_bleue0/0betrayal by blood  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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